Overview - Event Security & Coordination - Escort Services - Hit Contracts - Mafia Superfund Project


Freelancers and Mafia Hunters must follow a specific set of guidelines in order to receive payment for any hit contracts they wish to fulfill. These guidelines are in place to protect the Mafia, so follow them closely!
  • Freelancers will *NOT* be paid for hits that are not open to them (indicated in the contract).
  • Mafia Hunters must be wearing their Mafia flak jacket at the time of the hit.
  • You must hit the target at least once with a paintgun shot.
  • You must get a screenshot of this happening, with name tags visible.
  • You cannot rundown your victims with buggies, hoverboards, etc. This is griefing, and is liable to get you banned from There. (You can certainly shoot them while riding your hoverboard, however).
  • You cannot "bribe" targets to their deaths. Paying the victims off to show up for the hit, or splitting the bounty with them, will get you excommunicated from the Mafia. You CAN deceive them into showing up by any means you find useful, as long as it does not involve an exchange of money or items (or promises to that effect).